Bernie has worked on over 20 game projects so far. This list includes both solo and group projects, (none of which were programmed by him) In no particular order.


N.U.T.S: Never Underestimate Team Synergy: Group 2d Project 2014

Four Player Party Brawler

Art Director: Created cohesive content supported by a common style to support the mechanics. Eight Fully Animated Characters, Dynamic Background content, Ability Effects, and Particle sprites.



Hero Knight Man: Group 2.5d Student Project 2013

Arena Brawler

Lead Artist: Created all characters, backgounds, and effects



Strykers Revenge: Solo 2d Student Project 2012

Stealth Platformer

Lead Artist: Capstone project in highschool. Four fully animated characters with Background Art. Never got finished due to lack of programmers.



From Where She Dreams: Group 2d Student Project 2014

Point and Click Adventure

Lead Background Artist: Designed all of the Layouts for the Game



Fire Fight Frenzy: Solo 2d Student Project 2012

Falling Kitten catching Game

Lead Artist: Animated characters, pickups, enemies, background and User Interface.


Words From Space!: Group 2d Student Project 2012

Typing Game.

Lead Artist: Created three fully animated enemy sprites, a boss, user interface and special effects for five seperate levels of laserpower.


Mount Consequence: Group 2d Student Project 2013

Pipe Placement Game

Lead Artist: Created User Interface and Tiles


Unnamed Game with Next Level Games: Group 2d Student Project 2013

Archery Game

Lead Artist: Fully animated main Character, background art and targets.


Bobbies Journal: Group 2d Student Project 2013

Narrative Platformer

Art Director: Head of a team of 3 Artists, worked on preproduction content and created style guides and concept art. This game later got shifted into From Where She Dreams


Go Widget: Solo 2d Student Project 2013

Puzzle Game

Lead Artist: Created all characters and background tiles in under 6 hours


Wizard!: Solo 2d Student Project 2014

Platform Shooter

Lead Artist: Fully animated five character sprites. created Dynamic cohesive Background content for level creation by the Designer.


Radical House: Solo 2d Student Project 2014

Control Panel Simulator

Lead Artist: Created all user interface, character animations and enemy sprites.


Smash 'n Grab: Solo 2d Student Project 2014


Lead Concept Artist: created a plethora of weapon content.


Get Dunked: Solo 2d Prototype 2014

Four Player Party Game

Lead Artist: Created all character sprites and backgroundImage.


Project Sky: Solo 2d Prototype 2014

Four Player Traffic Survival Game

Art Director: Created Preproduction content and presentation, Created all assets for 2d Prototype


Mek Trek: Mek's Trek: Solo 2d Student Project 2014


Background Artist: Created Cohesive Dynamic background content.


VesSoul: Group 2d Student Project 2014

Four Player Party Platformer

Art Director: Created Style Guides, Concept Art, Background Content, fully animated main character. Supervised and deligated work to additional background artist


Unnamed Game Project with Team Nova: Group 3d Project 2014

Top Down Brawler

Creative Consultant: Created Team Logo and supervised the Art Direction.


Apple Drop: Solo 2d Student Project 2014

Puzzle Game

Lead Artist: Created Character Sprites.


Unnamed Game Project with Team Enso: Group 3d Project 2014

Arena mech Shooting game

Environmental Artist: Created Game Arena.


Geo Blitz: Group 2d Student Project 2014

Reverse Tower Defence Game

Lead Artist: Created all Art Assets and Geometry Design.

Unnamed Game Project with PercentDX: Group 2d Student Project 2014


Lead Artist: Created all Background Content and Fully animated Four Characters